Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Birthday Hike

Here we all are, setting out for the birthday hike on Sara and Mike's farm. I took this photo of all the dogs and some of the siblings.

It was a very cold day on Sunday. Highlight (or lowlight) of the walk was the running of the sheep. They all came running over the hill with all the dogs behind them. Sara had to fish one out of the creek and right another that was having a mild heart attack at all the excitement. But, no one died, no humans were gored in the running.

Happy b-day to all the Anderson siblinks!


Mooneybat said...

Ssssh! Don't let Mike know about the running of hte sheep. Dogs will be banished and I really enjoyed having the dogs out. It was really something to see all six (SIX!) of them running and playing nicely together.

What a fun day. Thanks all, for coming and for bringing all the goodies for a great party.

Stoopid Packers coulda won to make the day a pinicle of perfect Sunday wing dings. Let's do it again soon, no?

becx said...

oui! Let's do it again and mum's the word on the eeps...

Send me a pic of Jimmy--I need to show Amy!

Mooneybat said...

Dad's got a cute picture from Sunday. Let's bug him to get it off his camera and send it down.

Daaaaaad! Send the Jimmy photo!

Unknown said...

That was one of the nicest birthday parties I have been in a long time. You Anderson's are a fun bunch, lucky for you that you all get along soooo well. Always wished I had a sister or brother, Jimmy had a great time and told his teachers that he survived a trip to two farms.
Let's plan Christmas

Unknown said...

Which photo was that?

Mooneybat said...

Thanks! It was a swell time, wannit?

There was one cute photo of Jimmy trotting on the longe line. He is in the foreground. I told Dad it was the best of the horse pics on his camera. Horse photos take lots of practice!

Unknown said...

OH, I thought you meant Jimmy the human, not Jimmy the horse. Now I get it. DUH

becx said...

Baahahahahah!! Although Jimmy the human is very cute as well. I can't say I say Jimmy the human trotting though, but I reckon he can trot.

Unknown said...

I was impressed with my girls horse training techniques - but then, what do I know?? Both girl's farms have come a long way too!!