Sunday, December 16, 2007

Enough already!!

Ok, I surrender. It's not officially winter yet and we've got over 2' of snow on the ground.

Yesterday brought all day long snow flurries that added another few inches to the heap. I went skiing out back then took Oscar out and stomped around the back yard, the field, the woods and then the front yard. I know we're in training for dressage but I kind of wish there was some sort of snow dressage category. We'd be good at that.
Note the pile of snow just in front of the chicken coop. That's how much snow has been plowed off the driveway in the last week! For those of you living in warmer climates, please enjoy whatever temperature it is wherever you are. It's 10 today and I'd give anything for 10 more degrees!!

In other news, I wrote out my Christmas list for Santa. Santa baby, if you are listening I've been real good and could you bring me a:
> Skidloader with a cab and heat
> A John Deer Gator with a hydraulic lift
> An ATV (used is fine) with accessories like a harrow, plow and trailer
> 300' of new RAAM fence
> 2 more acres for pasture
> An indoor arena
> An australian shepherd (which I'll name in...."WILSON!!!" )

Think this list will get me anywhere??

Neither do I, but it's fun to write down my shopping list. I have a subscription to "Agri-View" newspaper (Wisconsin's farm newspaper) and it's fun to look at the farm implements for sale.
You know that old saying? A skid loader is a girl's best friend?? Well, on a farm it's true. Next to the dog. And the bottle of red wine. And the hot tub. Ohhh, add hot tub to the list.

Tally ho..time to do something around here.


Anonymous said...

Oh sure!
You're too cold! And you think it's better somewhere else?
Come on down - we had tornadoes last night. Weather radio blasting in the other room, no cord for it in my bedroom and no batteries in sight. Awake clinging to my cell phone and cringing in fear all hours. The floods sure helped the drought, though. Maybe my new tree wont die after all. You'd hate the new post-cold-front temperatures - it must be down to 67 by now, and it's not even evening yet.
I might have to scare up a sweatshirt in a while. Gosh!
But, oh golly gee...there's no snow for Santa's sleigh so there may be no presents at all for anyone!
But you're welcome to brave the elements down here anyway. If you need to thaw out, we got the hot tub! And you wont need the rest of the stuff on yer list.
Don't you just want to smack people like me? (Ask me about the interminable triple-H summers, the dearth of culture, the perverts and con artists, the disastrous real estate market, etc. You'll feel better)
On the other hand -
Snow is clean.
(It also trains dressage horses to pick their feet up higher, right?)
And it really isn't Christmas without it.
Fa la la la la - la la la la
'Tis the season.....

Lady Barbara said...

Hey! I ain't ashamed of what I jest said! I ain't hidin' behind "anonymous"
an' I meant every word of it - especially

Mooneybat said...

Wow. I didn't know there were tornados in Florida! We all have basements to cower in when there are tornados; does anyone in Fla have a basement? Smart people even keep a bottle of wine in the basement for tornado emergencies (to calm the nerves)

Still, the snow here has been obnxious. I've been thinking about good things to do with horses and snow and I've actually come up with a couple: 1)march out to a nice virgin snowy area and practice making perfect circles. Then you can do that excercise where you spiral your circle inward and then back out again. In good clean snow you can see that your circles are actually circles and not eggs or rhomboids with rounded corners or other such unacceptable shapes. You really do get a good look at what you've done! Also handy when you are working a shoulder in/out or half pass.

2) teach your horse to be comfortable bareback. It is lovely warm and the falls aren't so bad with all the snow!

3)admire those white stockings! There's nothing like a month of deep snow to scrub those fetlocks clean!

ScootsOnMoots said...

You are doing's called dreaming. Its always good to dream though because without them we'd all be stuck in the harsh world called reality. It's actually not that bad, we both know that though. Cheers to the glorious season of the Beajolais (and it's red too there farmer B, so it's totally legal at Sunny Hill!!).

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, I needed a laugh today and thanks to my favorite characters it's been provided. Sara, you'll be happy to know that I did make some nice circles in the yard with Ozzers. And he is looking delightfully clean what with his everyday rolling in the snow. And Scotty, cheers to you for making it through the shoulder surgery. Next time you come to the farm we'll celebrate with some fermented beverages. And an omelette. My chickens are overproducing again.

ScootsOnMoots said...

I told you 4 chickens was about 3 too many. Long live Marsala!!

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking of getting another chicken....I'm sold on Buff Orpingtons!

Lady Barbara said...

Oh-ho sara!
Hurricanes too!
Bathtubs with mattresses (no substitute for basement).
Map to prove we have TONS more tornadoes in this area than you guys have-here
Wine for nerves-fully stocked
opener-too often lost when sky turns still and putrid green.
Wanna trade?

Lady Barbara said...

For heaven's sake!
How can I shock you with tornado incidence maps if I don't give you the full address? Try this:
It's in three pieces but at least it's all there.

Anonymous said...

R-glad to see the skid is at the top of your list...if I see any deals my way I will call you...hey, you can always get more chickens and sell eggs and save up for one! A LOT of chickens...Lady B, do you guys really not have basements in Florida? Why not when there are so many tornadoes? And yes, SNOW sucks when there is no end to it. Waawaawaa. Every winter I dream about moving to S.C. or Kentucky...can I have some cheese with my whine?????

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy and Lady B,
Let's all move to Kentucky!! we'll have a compound with horses and eat organic and raise chickens. We'll make tens of dollars!!

Lady Barbara said...

You are not stealing my idea to move to Kentucky without joining me!
I already have the straight skinny on Berea - great little art center town with hills. You can have all the chickens you want and I'll paint all the horses you can care for. I'll scramble the eggs too.
We WILL have a basement! Kentucky isn't altogether tornado-free either, but at least it doesn't have earthquakes! (I have ALL the disaster maps)
First, we have to sell three houses without basements in Florida.
Gheesh! Wonder how long THAT will take? Any of you Wisco guys sick enough of the snow to invest down here??
Yeah, I thought not.
See you in Kentucky.
- In about ten years.
P.S. Eat organic if you like, but it's bourbon there, Bec. All that wine chatter would have to stop.

ScootsOnMoots said...

Snow? What's wrong with snow? It's like new sheets on an old bed. And when it peels back in the spring it'll reveal nature's glorious revival.

Investing in KY wouldn't itself be scary, but you three gals in the same homestead discussing the next major Midwest disaster while painting chickens and scrambling horses has me shaking in my Cole Haan's ( boots for this urbanite).

As for the could always go into the moonshine business. A little food coloring and you'll at least fool the eyes into thinking it might be wine. The minute it touches your lips though....Lord have mercy.

Anonymous said...

You'll have to run the moonshine division of of the industry, Scotty.

I want to run the hemp shavings business because I'll go broke buying shavings for the barn. Am trying to find a source of hemp so I can make my own out in the pole shed.

What, no boots?? R U NUTS?

ScootsOnMoots said...

I sold my brewing gear for a hot new bike so I'll have to craft up some new gear. Hemp? I can get you a hemp connection....but I can't give you his real name. I don't think I'd let the horses walk on it though. And I do have boots, Red Wings in fact. Steel toe and all. I typically wear those out in Milwaukee when I know I have to shortcut some dark alleys. Just in case some guy thinks I'm cute and all ya know.

Anonymous said...

hemp? hey, is that legal in Wisconsin for pain control? all this oxycodone is stoppin' me up. I might have to ask around about that. If I could move my husband's stationary a** I would be South immediately. Horses and all, and chickens and hemp bedding too, whatever that is! today i slid all the way down the hill on my arse from the barn feeding those ponies...good thing i still have a lot of padding!

Anonymous said...

Seriously...hemp makes great bedding! It breaks down faster than shavings, it's easy to grow and I have no idea if it's legal here or not. It should be.

Cathy, maybe you need a pair of those snowpants that have a "sled" built into the butt? Hope it didn't hurt sliding!

Scotty, stay out of dark alleys. And what did you sell your brewing equipment for?? Now what am I going to do with all those hops??!