Dry Ground and a new pasture
The pond receded and the work has begun on the pasture. Thanks to neighbor Joe, the main horse pasture is cleared and the fences are on order. Last Sunday Joe came over with his bobcat and we ripped the old fence. It was a good workout, hoisting metal poles and rolling up wire. Joe showed me how to use a chainsaw and I went at all the little dogwood trees growing in the pasture. After we got the fence out, Joe cut down an overgrown dogwood tree that was growing near the barn. That'll make some nice firewood! That reminds me, I need Dad to come down adn show me how to operate the wood burning furnace.
There is lots to do before the cold sets in. I need to winterize the chicken coop, and do some work on the barn windows to cut down on drafts. Luckily, the barn is well situated out of the wind and the 2' thick stone walls will keep the animals warm and dry.
Next weekend is barn clean up day. Anyone reading is cordially invited to come out and help sweep out the barn. If you have a sledgehammer, bring that as I want to take out the old whelping box. I think it was used for pigs?? Whatever it was for, I don't need it now. We can dismantle that and have a big ole bonfire with the wood.
See you then,