Sunday, February 17, 2008

Knee Deep in S(*6T

Well well well. It's been a week or so since I've blogged and I'll blame that on the phenomena known as "getting ready to leave town."

The last two weeks have been a flurry of getting bikes built, chasing missing parts, building wheels and transporting said wheels, parts and bikes to the other end of Dane County for final assembly I was feeling good when I got all that done just in time to leave only to realize that in all the extra work I wasn't keeping tabs on other things. I noticed on Friday that I was low on stall bedding, dog food, cat food and chicken food. Merde.

But, it all had to be handled so I got it done. Given that I had things more-or-less under control I saddled up Oscar and went for an hour long road ride. (That's kind of like a road ride on a bike only on a horse). We headed west on Muller road which was snow covered but had sand on it so the footing was decent, just windy. On the way back we saw tractor tracks in a field and normally we ride in the fields but the snow is too deep these days--except where the tractors go.
It was Oscar's idea to go through it. The figured that the brown stuff on the top was dirt the tractor had kicked up. We were cruising through at a gallop when I realized that it wasn't dirt (duhhh); we were knee deep in shee-at. Oscar stumbled but recovered and I said: "This was your idea!"

Ever the humble horse he agreed (it WAS his idea) and we turned around and galloped out of the poo. We stopped at neighbor Diana's to say hi to the spotted dog that Oscar likes then came home. Twas an excellent ride.

I should be in Arizona right now but half of Wisconsin is under ice. It's hard for airplanes to fly in this kind of weather so instead of working with the team I'm baking bread and watching movies.

Oh, we're suppoed to get some snow later....ya don't say.

Hope it's warmer where you are...toodles.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Best Blizzard Day Ever!

We had a blizzard this week--first one I've seen in 10 years of living in these parts. The alert went out at work around 1; "go home while you can." It would have been nice if the lot had been plowed but that's ok..the Mazda made it out. I had a stray with me--a guy named Josh who couldn't make it out of the lot. His parents lived in Columbus so I said I'd give him a lift. Good thing I did because the visibility was so bad that I was driving but he was pointing out where the road was. We had some hilarious moments.
Josh: "The road is to your right."
Me: "Ok"
Josh: "You're in the field"
me: "I am? I thought that was the road!"
Josh: "Just go to the left.."

Good thing he knew the roads well as we made it home. Another stray was following us and that was John. He knew he wouldn't make it the 40 miles home so I told him he could stay over. Lindsay was in the back seat checking to see if John was still behind us. He turned off at Muller road and we kept on into Columbus to drop off Josh. We got that done and turned for home. We did great until we turned onto Muller Road. There was snow in the middle of the road only I couldn't tell if it was a 2" or 2" drift I was heading for. Turned out to be the latter. I got stuck and the bummer was the road was clear(er) just ahead. Luckily, some guy in a 4x4 with a Packers coat stopped and yanked us out. I got up some speed and with a straight shot made it through the drift and to home.

Joe was already plowing and John was there, sans truck. He got stuck on the other end of Muller Road in a 4' drift. You know what that means...tractor time!! Joe fired up the Big One and John and I got on snowshoes and hooved it back to his car. The wind was fierce and reminded me of watching video of people on Everest. Anaway, we got the truck out of the drift and back to the house.

After all that fun Lindsay called for a Euchre tournament. So it was me and John v. Lindsay and Joe. I cooked up some calzones and drank a bunch of wine and got Euchered!

Best snow day ever. Even better, when Joe got in hot water for playing cards with us, Lindsay was in trouble too! Yaaa. I'm not alone!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snow, Snow Snow and more snow

Hard to tell if there's more snow or if it's the same snow swirling around in the wind. Either way, there's a lot of it and more coming. Gee, it's been what, 2 days since we got some snow?

Let's think of all the good things about snow:

  • you can see where your horse walked that day
  • you can find out which way your dog went
  • it can be useful when it covers the melted snow-turned-ice
  • one can ski on it
  • one can learn how your barn door slides properly because when the now makes it jump the tracks it's an opportunity to figure out how to get it back on

So there you have it. My positive outlook on all this gol^**(^&dang^^*%^ snow!

Lindsay and I are going to attempt to drive in to work. I'm confident we'll get there. It's getting back that ought to be interesting. Wisconsin is under a big white blob on the radar.

So, today's Beep report is that she's on her feet. I see some slight improvement --the fact she's on her feet is improvement-- and she's starting on the Cushings meds. If she can take the bute a little while longer the new med will help get her blood sugar regulated and get her over this episode of founder. I won't let her suffer though; the hole is dug and Joe's standing by just in case she languishes. She's getting 5 star treatment here at the Sunny Hill Pet Infirmary and I remain optimisic but realistic. Think good thoughts for her.

til soon,
