Sunday, April 13, 2008

Team Time at the Farm

Here's some images I took from last weekend when the team was in town for the photo shoot. Some explain themselves, other images require some explanation.

To the right is Leda, who is from London. She was a bit knackered when she got to town so she sat on the couch and became a dog magnet. 5 minutes after i took this photo both dogs were sound asleep and Leda was looking very relaxed.

In case you are wondering, that is Abe, the ape who has taken up with Mini Cooper. Abe is team mascot and he's wearing a snappy new Dairyland jersey. When he's not sleeping with my dog Abe hangs out with Bunny, our rider from West Virginia.

And this is Bunny herself having a chat with Abe. It's hard to resist holding this monkey. One picks him up and for some unexplainable reason one just starts walking around with Abe, asking him if he'd like some food or if he's tired.

The photo below is Missy, she is the Road Manager of the team. That means she wrangles the herd onto the airplane, to the race, then tells them how to win the dang race. And they do. Works great. Missy loves dogs and she became the "voice of Cooper," narrating the pup's thoughts. That had me laughing for days.

I Iput this photo in of Gabby and Mini Coop just for fun. Gabby was very tolerate of the Coop that night. On Friday night, Bunny and Missy helped me clean the barn. I'd missed part of a day and that's not good when there are three horses. The manure piles up fast! Bunny and Missy did a great job; this is Bunny wielding a mean scoop basket in the barn. Note: there is not manure present! She looks happy with her work. I was! I went outside to see how it was going with MIssy, who was breaking up the last of the manure iceberg. Does the photo of Bunny and Missy remind you of anything? I'll post more photos later. This is taking too long and I've got work to do! ciao...b


Unknown said...

WOW, great pictures and mini cooper is to die for. Be careful, I have a purse that size, next time your Dad and I come to visit I may have to accidentally "pack' the cutie.
It must have been a blast to have all the woman under one roof or the barn as it turned out to be. Good for you.

becx said...

You wouldn't be the first one to try and steal the Coop!!!

Mooneybat said...

How is that 'lil pupster? It looks as though all had a wonderful time. Will the new posters be available soon? Ben is a super fan.