Saturday, September 27, 2008


Now I wonder who would throw a rock through my window?? Hummm. Could it be perhaps a short, chubby, diabetic, toothless man that whose advances I'd spurned on numerous occasions?

Seems to me that a slingshot that helped this rock through the window. It happened when I was out planting trees along the arena. The trees are a screen to block out a certain neighbor. The hole wasn't there when I started planted but it was when i got back, and guess who was keeping an eye on the planting?

In happier news, COOPER FINALLY KILLED A RODENT! I guess this means I can't call him a "bat terrier" anymore. Today he got a vole. Granted, it's small, but it's the correct species.

Here he is...slobbering over his happy meal.

The vole stayed instact until Fonzi arrived and he and Cooper fought over it. They made two parts and I think Fonzi ate his half and Coop ran off with his half. Blech.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


There's nothing better than dogs running amok at Sunny Hill. When Amy drives up and unloads, Gabby and Cooper are bouncing around her car, just waiting for Sydney and the newest addition, Fonzi, to fly or flop out of the car.

That cute lil feller Lady B is holding is Fonzi....Amy's new dog. He's a German shorthair and he's smart as heck. Fonzi came to the farm two weeks ago for his first romp in dog haven. He was smaller than Coop. Um, not any more. He's doubled in size in two weeks and Coop is back to being the shrimp. (make that a shrimp with attitude).

Isn't Lady B cute?? I miss her terribly. She's back in FL dealing with all the things one deals with when you are gone on a proper family visit. Granted, she worked her tail off all summer and what a masterpiece she made. Kudos and love you and I miss you a ton.

And to the right is Amy herself, holding her new hunting compadre. Amy and Jonathan are going grouse hunting this weekend. I'd go but my dogs would be darnright useless in that process. That and I can't shoot.

And lastly, here's Pete with the Mini Coop-Terrorist, lulling him to sleep with his, je ne sais quoi....
It's hard to tell from this photo but Coop
is asleep here. Pete used the Vulcan Mind Meld to calm him down.

I wonder if that would work on me?

Maybe it would work on neighbors with OCD??

Ahhh, who cares. I don't have time to spend that much energy on any foolish crap. Here's to living, full tilt all the time.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Wha Happened to August?

Have I mentioned I dislike working at a certain company in August? Because said company has its own trade show that last for weeks and disrupts one's sleep, eating, exercise, and general living pattern?

Rather than be bitter about it I thought I'd do something more interesting, like call the deputies on my stalker/neighbor. You all know that story now and while it is quiet around here I don't trust that dude one bit.

Somewhere between the trade show, dem. convention, stalker-gate my kitchen remodel was winding up. It looks absolutely stunning....thank you, Lady B! We were taking photos of the kitchen yesterday and I took a photo of her taking a photo. We are sillllly. But she is proud of her work as am I.

This photo is of the area of the kitchen that used to have a useless counter and the refrigerator.

And the other photo is of the wall that used to have a useless cabinet. Most of the kitchen was just about useless.

And is there nothing sadder than an empty wine rack?? I'll be working on that as soon as I recover from August.

And Pete from New Hampshire made it to Wisco. He arrived yesterday and got to see Oscar and Willow in action, had dinner with Barbara and met all the

animals. Oscar and Will put on a good show of horse play and Cooper...well, he did his thing. Here's a photo of Cooper and Peter.

Cooper really likes Pete. The dog lays in his arms and sighs and falls asleep. How come when I try to hold him like this he gnaws on me??

Pete and I have managed to get some riding in, in between farm chores and fixing the rear tire on my car. The rain is holding off...barely...and I hope it stays nice for the weekend. More photos to follow..