Now I wonder who would throw a rock through my window?? Hummm. Could it be perhaps a short, chubby, diabetic, toothless man that whose advances I'd spurned on numerous occasions?
Seems to me that a slingshot that helped this rock through the window. It happened when I was out planting trees along the arena. The trees are a screen to block out a certain neighbor. The hole wasn't there when I started planted but it was when i got back, and guess who was keeping an eye on the planting?
In happier news, COOPER FINALLY KILLED A RODENT! I guess this means I can't call him a "bat terrier" anymore. Today he got a vole. Granted, it's small, but it's the correct species.
Here he is...slobbering over his happy meal.
The vole stayed instact until Fonzi arrived and he and Cooper fought over it. They made two parts and I think Fonzi ate his half and Coop ran off with his half. Blech.