A clean horse
This here is a photo of Oscar's butt. See how much cleaner the right side is? The pic was taken mid-wash. Amy and I were cleaning him up for his first clinic and trailer ride in the new trailer. He was not a fan of the sponge bath but tolerated the half hour or so it took to degrime him.
He did great in the clinic and earned a lot of sweet praise from the instructor and the audience. Mostly things like "wow, he's awesome " or "he's so adorable!"
Amy put him through his paces and he was a hard and honest worker-Sara, you would have been proud.
And here for Barbara is a photo of the kitchen floor going in. It'll be finished today and I'll get another photo of that.So last week I was in shock about getting sh*&t canned and this week I'm starting out angry.
Stay tuned for more on that.