A clean horse
This here is a photo of Oscar's butt. See how much cleaner the right side is? The pic was taken mid-wash. Amy and I were cleaning him up for his first clinic and trailer ride in the new trailer. He was not a fan of the sponge bath but tolerated the half hour or so it took to degrime him.
He did great in the clinic and earned a lot of sweet praise from the instructor and the audience. Mostly things like "wow, he's awesome " or "he's so adorable!"
Amy put him through his paces and he was a hard and honest worker-Sara, you would have been proud.
And here for Barbara is a photo of the kitchen floor going in. It'll be finished today and I'll get another photo of that.So last week I was in shock about getting sh*&t canned and this week I'm starting out angry.
Stay tuned for more on that.
Yep! LOVE all the butts!
AND I LOVE the floor!
See how important it is to anchor a room on a deeper base than the walls? Until now the cabinets and walls just seemed to float above that original sheet of turquoise plastic. THIS anchors and pulls the counter tops into the scheme. Rich and right.
Oh - and anger is absolutely healthy and normal seeing you did what you were asked, and so much more, and got dealt a terrible hand in return. Disgusting! Inhuman! Frankly, I will NEVER buy the product of a company that treats people like that and if I had anything of theirs I would scrape off their name.
Becca, your real friends are disgusted by the gross inequity this represents and stand behind you all the way.
My letter is ready to mail.
Lemme at 'em!
Nice horse butt. You could add a caption: "John Burke At His Best"
bahahahahah...that's funny. ya, a horse's butt sums it up nicely.
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