Friday, December 26, 2008

The Whoopie Pie Incident

Ever have a whoopie pie? It's some cookie like thing that got invented around the's a chocolate cakeish cookie with a marshmallow filling. Sister Neener made them for holidays and I got the recipe from her and she got it from some waiting room magazine. I'm sure the page with the recipe was already loose...

Anyway, I made the batter and added the bottle of red food color it called for. I went to rinse out the food color bottle and managed to splash red everywhere. By some miracle I didn't get any on my white fleece vest.

Like always I gave Cooper the bowl to pre-wash, not giving it one thought that when he cleans a bowl, HE CLEANS A BOWL! So anyway, I think the red will wash off his head in a day or two.

Oddly, I had a Poopie Pie incident this week too. I can only call a multi-tasking foul on myself for this one. I decided to plow a bit while filling the water tank in the barn. It sure is easy to pass the time on an ATV with a plow. Water+bedding+poop+3 minutes= Poopy pies. Big sloppy pools of poo.

Took me three loads with the trailer to clean out the barn and a looooong shower to rinse off the smell. Happy New year...if you come by I'll save you a whoopie pie.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Tale of an Epic Adventure

Two humans and four dogs set out yesterday on snowshoes to conquer the hills over Sauk City.
That would be me, Amy and her dogs Fonzi and Sydney, and Gabby and Coopy. The first mile of the hike was uphill in deep snow (awesome!!) and at the top was a cool cabin where we stopped to water the dogs. It wasn't long after we set out again that we lost Coop. Fortunately, he yarps when he's lost so within 10 minutes we had him back. Then we lost Gabby.

Long story short, it was useful that she was wearing her name/phone number collar because the logging guys found her tried calling me. When we got back to the trailhead sans Gabby we hopped in the car to drive up the logging road. My phone rang and I ignored it. I believe I even verbalized how annoying it was to get phone calls when you didnt' want them. Anyway, we got no farther than the entrance of the road when a truck appeared. I pulled aside and asked the driver if he had seen a dog. He pointed to the back seat.

There sat Queen Gabby, with an annoyed look on her face. She rejoined the gaggle of dogs in the back of the car and all was well. Both dogs were exhausted (still are) and Coop fell asleep on the arm of the sofa.

I had two bottles of guinness and cheese for dinner and slept like a log. The end.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This calls for a lot of cussing

Here is the front door, photo taken about an hour ago. After a solid hour of plowing to clear the 6" on the driveway I hear we are supposed to get another 4????!!! MERDE!!

I weep.

It's Dec.'s not even winter yet. Bloody hell.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

This and That

I haven't been updating the blog because my camera is eating batteries. This was one of the last photos I took before I gave up on that camera and it's Mr. Coopy at his best. I was yelling at him to stop eating cat food and this was his response. Sassy pants acting all innocent. Ha! The Jack Russell is no match for me! (ahem)

It's been REALLY cold here so on Dad's urging, I fired up the wood furnace. I will admit to being a little afraid of the thing but now that its 68 degrees in here I'm over it.

There's something about the temp falling to zero (one burns through 8 gallons/day at $2.30 per)that serves to motivate a person.

In other news Amy and I rode bareback today (it's like having butt heat in your car!) and then snowshoed. A regular winter duathlon. Too bad she's not still here 'cause we could add wine drinking and make it a triathlon! I think I'd win.
love, b