Thursday, December 4, 2008

This and That

I haven't been updating the blog because my camera is eating batteries. This was one of the last photos I took before I gave up on that camera and it's Mr. Coopy at his best. I was yelling at him to stop eating cat food and this was his response. Sassy pants acting all innocent. Ha! The Jack Russell is no match for me! (ahem)

It's been REALLY cold here so on Dad's urging, I fired up the wood furnace. I will admit to being a little afraid of the thing but now that its 68 degrees in here I'm over it.

There's something about the temp falling to zero (one burns through 8 gallons/day at $2.30 per)that serves to motivate a person.

In other news Amy and I rode bareback today (it's like having butt heat in your car!) and then snowshoed. A regular winter duathlon. Too bad she's not still here 'cause we could add wine drinking and make it a triathlon! I think I'd win.
love, b


Mooneybat said...

I have no idea how I'd do in the first two events of your triathlon but I'd surely give you a run for your money in the third!

Amen to the bareback butt heaters! We used to ride with a quarter sheet tucked like a cape around our waists and thighs as well. Nice and toasty, that was.

I'm officially bogged down for winter. All that's left on my to do list is the depression and weight gain. If you haven't already received photos of my latest winter driving escapade from Mike, be sure to ask him to forward them along.

Lady Barbara said...

Ah! Butt warmers! Wood furnaces! Winter driving "episodes"! Yeah, I remember that. As much as I hate this land of the eternal strip mall, our greatest winter hardship is like last night - got all the way down to the fifties! BOY, was I COLD! Fur blankie and all. Yer darn right the blood thins out!
Now, when any of you get really good and sick of the white stuff and wish for the searing noontime heat of the sixties or seventies. I do have a sofa and a sewing/guest room. You bring the wine. Just lemme know.

becx said...

Hey Sara, what did you do to the car?? Did you get it stuck in the driveway a la moi??

I think you'd do just find in the Sunny Hill Triathlon. I wonder if I could promote that as an event...hummm.

Lady B, I will be making a trip to that groovy wine store when I'm down there. :) It says in the Hip Replacement Manual that wine must be administered daily. Hourly if needed. Mike can vouch for that.

Mooneybat said...

Shit shit shit! I hate snow and ice and cold and all the crabbiness it promotes.

My twelve minute drive to work took me 35 minutes. Ever since I drove my car over the bridge embankment last week, I drive like a blind, freightened little old gnome safety lady.

Who's getting their hip replaced? I've got the skinny on hip replacement therapy. I know for a fact that wine with the pain killers they give a new hip recipiant, gives the patient the heebie jeebies, among other things.