Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wild Things

The grass is green round these parts and stuffs growing like, um, weeds. Here's a photo of some plant life along Muller Road.

I call this the "look at me I'm weird" plant. I'm not sure what it is. Even Kate, my go-to botantist wasn't sure what it is. It has a sturdy, purple stalk, broad leaves at the base, and the fireworks type flower on the top. Weird!

S'all for now.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The team has landed

That there is "Black Betty." Team Van, 2009. She's a 1994 Dodge something or other and holds a whole lot of people and bikes and gear.

The girls are off racing and I'm cleaning the house/barn and mowing the yard/pasture.

S'bout it from the farm. Strawberries growing like mad and the cats and dogs are slow in the summer heat.

til soon,

Friday, May 22, 2009

Willow, Before and After

Just a year ago I brought this sweet mare home. She is a Morgan and had been staked out like a dog in her owner's side yard. She was scrawny and green. She had scars on her face and hind legs from being tangled up in her rope.

Amy had seen the horse advertised on a horse website and sent me the link with a note: "this one looks nice." I made an assumption that Amy "saw" the horse (meaning, in a photo). I trust Amy so I made an appointment to see the mare.

The owner was a young woman with four kids under 4 and years old and clearly had no time for the mare much less upkeep of the property and a horse. I didn't like the look of the place but something made me want to try out the horse. And besides, Amy liked her.

I got on her and she walked boldly ahead. She couldn't steer well but she was listening to my voice. In the first 5 strides I could tell this little mare had a HUGE forward walk. She flicked her ears and turned her sweet eyes around to look at me and that was it: she had me at hello.

The first photo is Willow on her very first ride at Sunny Hill just about a year ago.

This photo was taken yesterday. Willow had a walk, trot, canter in the field then got to jump over some fences. She is getting the hang of it and had some very solid "real" jumps.

What a difference a year makes. Willow can now bend, pick up the canter on the correct lead every time, rate her speed and jump. On top of that she is the friendliest, happiest little mare on earth.

And the best part? Amy never actually "saw" the horse. She said she "saw" the ad and thought it looked like a prospect. We laugh about that all the time now because when Willow arrived she definitely did not "look" good. She does now though. So from backyard horse to stylish hunter, Willow has come into her own.

How darn lucky am I to have two wonderful horses like Oz and Willow? (pinching myself).
happy trails!

Friday, May 15, 2009

S'bout Time I update this blog

Pics above of the first horse show I ever rode in. It was super fun. I learned a lot and most critically, one should try on your new show pants in advance of the show lest they turn out to be ill fitting. All was well though. My pants didn't rip and now I know what to expect in the next one.
Note to self: order new pants.

What with the weather getting nice it's hard to keep up with blogging. And I'm cheating here 'cause I put all these pics on my facebook page already. It's so hard to keep up with social networking!

I am having nostalgia for the days of the busy signal on the phone. Thinking about someone and then writing them a letter to let them know. Wondering what to do that day instead of having to prioritize a full page list. Getting a letter from someone--in the mailbox.

Well, progress brings challenges and I think I shall try to keep just a few of the old fashioned ways.

Have a pleasant and lucky day!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Kitchen Floor

Ok, Lady B, here is your photo of the kitchen floor! You'll have to photo shop my car out of the window. Did I crouch low enough? Should I try again on a sunny day?

After I took the pics I cleaned the barn then got the chimney sweep out and played chimney sweep chick. Nothing like blowing your nose after cleaning a chimney of a winter's soot.

Off to clean myself up..toodles

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Say hello to Lake Whoa, Be Gone! I took this photo on my way out to the barn for yet another epic ride with Amy. We decided to ride to the DNR fields by way of the neighbor's driveway to minimize time on the road with four dogs. We found the trail over to the field only it crossed the creek. There was a bridge with lots of snow on it. Willow was game so I got off and led her across. The snow was deep on the other side but navigable. So there we were: me, Willow and all four dogs and Amy/Oz on the other side. Oscar tried to be brave but it just wasn't happening. So Amy took the long way around the field and I trotted parallel to the road and we met up on the other side.

After that it was a typical ride; one dog lost, one pheasant flushed, one dog rolled in stinky stuff, another eating something dead.

I went for a walk this morning too. Here's Muller Road at about 7 am. You can just see the moon setting in the distance.

so long for now..