Friday, May 15, 2009

S'bout Time I update this blog

Pics above of the first horse show I ever rode in. It was super fun. I learned a lot and most critically, one should try on your new show pants in advance of the show lest they turn out to be ill fitting. All was well though. My pants didn't rip and now I know what to expect in the next one.
Note to self: order new pants.

What with the weather getting nice it's hard to keep up with blogging. And I'm cheating here 'cause I put all these pics on my facebook page already. It's so hard to keep up with social networking!

I am having nostalgia for the days of the busy signal on the phone. Thinking about someone and then writing them a letter to let them know. Wondering what to do that day instead of having to prioritize a full page list. Getting a letter from someone--in the mailbox.

Well, progress brings challenges and I think I shall try to keep just a few of the old fashioned ways.

Have a pleasant and lucky day!


Rachel said...

Amen sistah! Technology can be overwhelming! I almost forgot you had this blog until your post came up in my feed reader - I guess technology can have it's advantages.

becx said...

Hi Rachel!
Great to hear from you and yes, technology is a pain in the butt these days. I was going to post some pics of my little mare on my blog. If nothing else this blog is a nice way for me to remember all the goofy and wonderful things that happen on the farm.

Lady Barbara said...

Oh Sure! Now that she's looking so smart she's "MY little mare"
Whatever happened to "Lady Barbara's horsie" How soon we forget!