Sunday, July 15, 2007

You can love your pet....just not looooooove your pet!

After much anticipation, we decided to see how the girls were going to work out together. After sniffing and snarling, Beck is the Alpha! hahaha
Seriously though, Gabby and Gracie went AT IT! I thought they were going to kill each other. Beck had to calm me as I watched in total fear while the dogs tear at each other like two Grizzly bears during mating season (too much animal Planet). She was like Ceasar Whatever (the dog guy) and knew exactly what to do. In seconds, it was all over. Surprisingly, Gracie being the beeatch alpha that she normally is, rolled over and it was settled. Gabby is the new leader of La Belle Vita. Hooray!


Anonymous said...

I just opened the blog and laughed so hard I almost drooled my coffee. I tried not to be the alpha!!!

I think Gracie and Gabby are perfect together. Heck, their names start with "G"!! We'll have to get a big dog bed with a "G" on it. Oh wait, that's crazy talk. But it'd be so cuuuute!

I think Gabby liked her first ride in the convertible. I did too!! Woof woof.

Lady Barbara said...

Oh gosh! Not on the LIPS! We dont even kiss froggys on the lips (maybe THAT's what's wrong with those princes)
Uh - WHAT doggy bed? Did I SAY you could have a doggy bed? What oath?
Nice to sort out who is in charge...but how many stitches?

Anonymous said...

I meant a big dog bed in a lovely plaid...that fits with the concept. Under an oil painting of a hunt scene and next to the brass planter and dog statue!!

We'll stick to the concept--honest!!