Status Report
1) The electricity is back on
2) The pipes didn't freeze, much
3) It's above zero, finally
4) Pony is on her feet but isn't out of the woods yet
5) I lost my cell phone, yee ha. Well, it's been a year since I lost the last one so I was due
6) Oxycontin does wonders for a mal-functioning back
7) One should listen to the doc when he says don't drink any alcohol with this medicine (see #5)
8) I'm still laughing
I'd post a photo but I don't have a picture of a smoldering pile of ruins that would represent this week.
Instead I'm picturing a lovely sunny day, about 65 degrees...ahhhh. To turn things around I'm taking a half day off and am going shopping!!! I deserve some new clothes for getting through this week. Pony needs a blanky too while she convalesces. Nothing like a little shopping to put things right. Cheers from the tundra!