Apres Holiday Ski!
Happy New Year! Me and my fabulous brother, Brian went skiing all over the farm just before New Year's. Brian had some awesome striding skiis (circa 1980) that busted through the 7" of fresh snow rather nicely. Not only that, he's fast so I had to hustle to keep up.
As we were skiing I couldn't help but think of all the times Dad took us skiing in the Kettles back, oh, about 1978 and what a brilliant move that was. Take 4 kids skiing for a couple of hours and you are guaranteed an afternoon and evening of very quiet kids!This photo is our tracks heading east. There's no question that the snow has been amazing and I'm a little sad that it's supposed to be 40 degrees this weekend. Slushy, mush here we come.
All the animals are doing ok. Beep threw off her shoes and it's been below zero--too cold to attempt a rewrap but with temps going up I'll refit tonight and not get frost bit in the process.
The fox continues to torment Gabby. I think I have a new purpose for riding Oscar. Yep...let the Sunny Hill Fox hunt begin! It'll be a cruelty-free hunt; we'll just chase Mr. Fox around.
Stay tuned for news and photos of Betty, the new Dodge truck. Hee hee.
The skiing looks like a lot of fun. I remember those ski trips with Dad and the peppermint patties that we got afterwards with great fondness.
but I won't be too sad to see our present snow cover melt back a bit.
Go gets you some Klister wax!
Klister, schlister. Now if you wanted to ski you'd need wheels. Man that snow was lekker, that is sweet!. What a nice day that was. How sore my thighs were after that.
It's a gloomy day. It'll snow again, though. My skis are all ready. I gotta get me some of that middle-temperature wax. Got the sub-zero blue and the sticky red kick wax.
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