Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snow, Snow Snow and more snow

Hard to tell if there's more snow or if it's the same snow swirling around in the wind. Either way, there's a lot of it and more coming. Gee, it's been what, 2 days since we got some snow?

Let's think of all the good things about snow:

  • you can see where your horse walked that day
  • you can find out which way your dog went
  • it can be useful when it covers the melted snow-turned-ice
  • one can ski on it
  • one can learn how your barn door slides properly because when the now makes it jump the tracks it's an opportunity to figure out how to get it back on

So there you have it. My positive outlook on all this gol^**(^&dang^^*%^ snow!

Lindsay and I are going to attempt to drive in to work. I'm confident we'll get there. It's getting back that ought to be interesting. Wisconsin is under a big white blob on the radar.

So, today's Beep report is that she's on her feet. I see some slight improvement --the fact she's on her feet is improvement-- and she's starting on the Cushings meds. If she can take the bute a little while longer the new med will help get her blood sugar regulated and get her over this episode of founder. I won't let her suffer though; the hole is dug and Joe's standing by just in case she languishes. She's getting 5 star treatment here at the Sunny Hill Pet Infirmary and I remain optimisic but realistic. Think good thoughts for her.

til soon,



Mooneybat said...

Yeah, I've got your good things about all this snow right here.
1. You won't see the polar bear that has moved into your backyard before he, mercifully, kills and eats you.
2.All this snow cover will protect the brussels sprouts you never got to harvest in the fall (because of the snow cover) so that when spring comes, if you are still able to crawl out of your snowed-in hut, you can scrounge something to eat.
3. You can track your stark raving mad, cabin fever stricken husband who has wandered off into the night.
4. Sledding!

Lady Barbara said...

The BEST part of snow up north is it inspires people to come visit ME! It's in the low eighties today and we are expecting rain and a cold front tonight - good for the growing grass. Then it will only be in the seventies for a high next week. Boo hoo. You can come too Sara. Get my beeper over this and sally on down. No snow here! I'm serious!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Sara, that's a damn fine list. Cracks me up!

And, looks like I need to head to Tampa for work. How convenient!!
It'll be after the pony is well...but soon!

Lady Barbara said...

I eagerly await your latest news on my poor little beepster. And you know I am prepared for whatever comes. The thought of you out there in the barn in the snow and wind while I have the air conditioner cranking makes me feel all the worse. After this you sure will have EARNED a free Florida junket. Just wish you could bring her. You wanna escape the cold too, Sara?

Mooneybat said...

Wow Barbara, I'd love to to go Florida but I don't think it's in the cards for me any time soon. I've got a lot of needy critters of both the hooved and bipedal variety to care for these days. I appreciate the offer very much though, I'm enjoying the thought that I am welcome at your door and turning the thought over and around in my head while I wait for the feeling to come back in my fingertips.

You know, being in the barn on a snowy evening is kinda nice. There is a certain cozyness in the dim light of a horse barn that helps me sleep well after returning to the house. Doncha find it so, Beck? Perhaps the contented feeling comes from knowing you've done your best for the animals and everyone is well cared for. Maybe getting chilled after dinner and returning to the nice warm house is what does the trick. Either way, we'll keep ourselves going until spring.

Anonymous said...

Yes..I know the feeling, Sara. Most days I linger after the hay is thrown and the tank filled just to listen to Beep and Oz munch hay. It's a soothing shound.

Beep report: she's doing better!!!
I started her on the Cushings meds and the docycycline (low dose anti-biotic that has anti-inflamatory properties). The bute didn't seem to be helping at all but she's now managing a shuffle and I swear she's enjoying her daily mini-shot of Schnapps. This morning she held her head very nicely to receive the dose!

Sara, are you set up for Mike's recovery? Can I help? I'll take Ben!! I promise to give him back.

Mooneybat said...

Wonderful news about the Beepinator!! She's probably hanging in there for her daily dose of peppermint flavored elixir. Shuffling is good!

Perhaps we can employ you for the weekend after Mike's surgery? Mike is going in on Friday the 22nd adn should need a few days in hospital. This might be a wonderful help!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to help!! That's good timing too as I'm back from Arizona on the 22nd. Do you want to stay in town? I could pick up Ben at Brian's or something...he could come to work with me. kee hee.!

Mooneybat said...

I think Ben will go to school on Friday and I'll go home from the hospital Friday afternoon to take care of the farm. We can visit mike on Saturday and Ben can go with Auntie! yaaaay! When's Easter break?

Anonymous said...

Easter? Humm. Good question. Um, April?

Lady Barbara said...

Thank heaven for a piece of good news about the Beeparooni (shut up, spell check, I know what I'm doing!) Too bad she's taken up the devil's drink, though. But when Sara said she could use the snow to track her stark raving mad husband who had wandered off into the night was it to lick wounds? Is everyone up there in need of nursing care? Makes me feel pangs of guilt. You KNOW if I were up there I would help too. I could baby sit. I LOVE little boys. And ponies, of course. And I well recall and long for that enveloping quiet of evening in the barn. Tending animals is so basic in human history and those moments away from microwaves and video games and the restless cacophony of modern life bring a rare primal peace little else can offer.
Naw, 80 degrees in February really isn't all that. Not if you have good mittens.