Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jack Russell Terrorist

Today was clean and tidy up the house day. Not so easy with a 2 pound puppy helping.

Here's Mini Coop aiding in the sweeping of the floor. With this system, the broom acts like a broom with an added dust pick up feature.
One simply drags the broom around to sweep and dust simultaneously.

Coop didn't like the lint picker upper but instead of attacking that he attacked my arm. Ow.

Laundry was a challenge. Once I got the sheet unhooked from his wee fangs I was able to fold it.

So there you have it. A small glimpse of life with my new little boy.

Oh, and it snowed 7" yesterday and it did not melt. It's barely 25 degrees so this stuff will stick for at least a day or two. I weep.


Mooneybat said...

le petit coop! He is adorable. I kinda want a puppy but I'm going to take a moment to quash that urge right now***********OK, I'm good.

So I got an email today about Rebecca Anderson is coming! Rebecca Anderson is coming! You celebrity, you. I'm going to see if I can bug out for a bit and catch your act and grab a bite of pizza, which everyone should know, is the only thing to eat in Platteville. There are more pizza joints in that town than stop lights!

becx said...

Egads...there was an email that I'm in Platteville?? holly molly!

Humm. Any of the pizza good??

Mooneybat said...

I'll forward you the email. You have quite a fan in Tim Ingram of Momentum Bikes. Pizza in Platteville is a given. Some is good, some, not so good.

Lady Barbara said...

So far, no visit to Florida from either of you! Now you have another pet to keep you tied to home. Speaking of pizza, I am sooooooooo looking forward to coming up and fixing your kitchen and kissing your face. As soon as I am done with the current amazing kitchen project (and show-off party) I will be ON THE ROAD NORTH!
Sara, I expect to see you up there. a bottle of wine at the ready. Talus or Centine or whatever floats yer boat.

becx said...

Yipppeeee!! Lady B is coming. Yee ha.

I can't wait. Sara, you need to just get a couple days off and have a day or two of R&R on my farm. No chores, just ride (bike/horse) run, drink vin with Lady B! You HAVE to come!

Mooneybat said...

I am so with you on that! When do we think the kitchen will be done and the traveling northward and the imbibing of hte wine and the riding of the horses and bicycles will begin?