Now I wonder who would throw a rock through my window?? Hummm. Could it be perhaps a short, chubby, diabetic, toothless man that whose advances I'd spurned on numerous occasions?
Seems to me that a slingshot that helped this rock through the window. It happened when I was out planting trees along the arena. The trees are a screen to block out a certain neighbor. The hole wasn't there when I started planted but it was when i got back, and guess who was keeping an eye on the planting?
In happier news, COOPER FINALLY KILLED A RODENT! I guess this means I can't call him a "bat terrier" anymore. Today he got a vole. Granted, it's small, but it's the correct species.
Here he is...slobbering over his happy meal.The vole stayed instact until Fonzi arrived and he and Cooper fought over it. They made two parts and I think Fonzi ate his half and Coop ran off with his half. Blech.
That's the ONLY part I didn't love about the Sunny Hill menagerie. Murder and Cannibalism of all sorts.
Blech is RIGHT! I'll get excited when the Coop-monster flushes out them enormous screeching barn rats. Shiver....
Ooh Oh! I had a friend whose JR terrier would kill rats at an incredible pace. She would take him down to a nasty ally in Venice, CA and stand by while he piled them up - much to the delight of the homeless human ally population.
Now that he's tasted varmint, he'll have a meaningful outlet for his energies - being a varmint killin machine! Just keep the nipper up to date on the shots. Or don't and teach him to bite psycho-stalkers with slinghots.
Wow, maybe when Coopy grows up he will kill lots of rats? So far the water trough has gotten exactly 3 more than he has---I just fished another rat out of the tank this morning.
Psycho neighbor sent a peace offering yesterday by way of a hunk of wood near the mailbox that said "whoever, I'd rather have peace than war."
Humm. Only on my terms, psycho!
Hunk of wood? Does he think he's an indian or something? Who's gives woodburning stove fuel as a peace offering? He probably tried to fit it in the slingshot and it wouldn't work so gave up. I knew there was something about that guy always hanging around.
OMG Scoots, You GOT it! LOL
And just lying on the ground addressed to "whoever"?
Is he using it for bait?
Probably has it hooked up to his camera so he can show you stealing his wood.
Maybe one of his ugly daughters did it..the one who kept sooting pictures for court of you getting your mail out of your rural roadside mailbox "on his land".
There sure WAS something about that guy "always hanging around" and it ain't purty.
I'm surprised it wasn't attached to a booby trap. Hate to see you hangin' upside down in mid air by one leg with no one there to cut ya down.
Now that's some funny stuff. Thanks, Scotty and Lady B for those entertaining comments.
Yesh...psycho farmer was hanging around too much but he isn't now...ahhhh tis peaceful on the farm.
Yeah. Funny like a crutch. I'd believe that toothless pygmy's sincerity when he offers to pay for your broken window.... And finds a way to replace the precious ORIGINAL antique glass. (Spoken by an adamant Historic Preservationist, as you know).
Couldn't you get your own slingshot and some rat bait to entice your large rodent population to cross the street? You wouldn't have to break anything...his open barn door is a huge target. Nobody would hear it. But if Cooper cant quite get the hang of rat pursuit, it might be fun to send them scurrying to your stalker-neighbor. What's so great about peace anyway?
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