Sunday, October 5, 2008


That's the name of the day. Even though Amy and I had a fantastic trail ride yesterday the rest of the day was devoted to getting the house and grounds ready for winter. Where's the groundskeeper?? Oh right, I fired him.

Anyway, yesterday Cooper almost ate Pot Pie, my best laying chicken. Fortunately I caught him in time to save the chicken. I threw some rocks at Cooper and didn't talk to him for two hours. I think he showed no remorse. He has no idea how close he came to being a listing on Craig's list. Amy saved him.

The photo is of Oscar's eye. It's hard to get a photo of his blue eyes without him wiggling around. In this image his expression is: "Whatchoo doin' with that silver thing bubba?"

Today I made some jalapeno jam so I could make my favorite appetizers and did some quality phone time with far flung friends.

Toodles for now.


Unknown said...

Boy ,you are on top of things. While you were winterizing working your tushy off your father was sitting in a sky box in Green Bay drinking only the best, eating only the best and watching the Packers lose their 3rd game in a row compliments of friends of mine who own the sky box. I opted to go shopping instead. We should have both stayed home to winterize our places but this was more fun.Besides the gun wasn't pointed at our heads, yet.
Hope Pot Pie doesn't suffer post dramatic stress. Could affect her egg laying ability

Unknown said...

The above was actually written by me, Doris, I happened to be on your Dad's e-mail site.

becx said...

HI DOris,
I kind of thought that sounded like you! How nice to see a game in a box--beats sitting in the stands with beer-bellied men painted green and gold. Euuw!

I'm looking forward to seeing you and Dad this weekend! ANd the mum you gave me looks smashing. I am going to plant it and maybe it'll grow back!

Unknown said...

Hi Becky,
I am glad the mum brings a smile. If you plant it closer to the house it should come back next year.Some mum plants are hardier than others. Please let me know if you and your friends will be staying one night or two. I would like to plan something fun for either night. See you soon!