Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Tale of an Epic Adventure

Two humans and four dogs set out yesterday on snowshoes to conquer the hills over Sauk City.
That would be me, Amy and her dogs Fonzi and Sydney, and Gabby and Coopy. The first mile of the hike was uphill in deep snow (awesome!!) and at the top was a cool cabin where we stopped to water the dogs. It wasn't long after we set out again that we lost Coop. Fortunately, he yarps when he's lost so within 10 minutes we had him back. Then we lost Gabby.

Long story short, it was useful that she was wearing her name/phone number collar because the logging guys found her tried calling me. When we got back to the trailhead sans Gabby we hopped in the car to drive up the logging road. My phone rang and I ignored it. I believe I even verbalized how annoying it was to get phone calls when you didnt' want them. Anyway, we got no farther than the entrance of the road when a truck appeared. I pulled aside and asked the driver if he had seen a dog. He pointed to the back seat.

There sat Queen Gabby, with an annoyed look on her face. She rejoined the gaggle of dogs in the back of the car and all was well. Both dogs were exhausted (still are) and Coop fell asleep on the arm of the sofa.

I had two bottles of guinness and cheese for dinner and slept like a log. The end.


Mooneybat said...

Oh how I love a happy ending *sniff*

Mooneybat said...

also: call me on the cell re: the sad need to revamp our Christmas plans. *sniff*

Lady Barbara said...

I'm amazed you could even FIND your phone. That's a new one!
Why don't you ALL come down HERE for Christmas? Bring my lovely mare and leave her in my back yard - until the code enforcer guy finds out.

Sunny Hill said...

Wasn't that a good ending? And the next day I made Guiness Stew. YUM!

Anonymous said...

Lady Rebecca....

Your adventures amaze me, but even more, your bounce-back factor. I think you own some cat genes, and will always land on your feet. N'est ce pas?

Did you get the DVDs I sent your way of your lovely farm tour?
