A beautiful day
I took my camera on my rounds this morning. I got this photo after I'd fed the chickens and was walking with Gabby to check out the arena. It's looking south, between the trees. I had a cup of coffee with me and a bag of tomatoes. I'd picked 6 ripe maters off the vine. I gave a couple to the hens and started walking.
I came upon stone henge..this is a lovely spot to sit and contemplate things such as cutting down more branches so I can ride my horse through here without getting whapped like I did yesterday.Anyway, these benches are tree stumps with pavers sitting on top but they are nice to sit on and ponder stuff.
I walked through the back yard and then came upon the newly fenced arena. The sun was coming up and I had to laugh as I saw the arena. "I did that??"
Where do I come up with these ideas?? Anyway, I LOVE the new arena. It ended up being a tad smaller than I wanted but it's still a great size: 135x65. Plenty of room to work two horses, jump or just mess around.
Now all I need is some footing. There must be a massive run on arena sand right now 'cause I can't get anyone to call me back. Well, I'm sure there's someone out there who needs the business so I'm no worried and I can't wait to get Oscar back to work. He's a little fat right now.
And here's a photo of the arena gate. It' s a nice gate and it even had a ding in it so I don't have to worry about putting the first ding in.So tonight my friend John is coming over to help me design the "Farm Cross" race that I'm having here in two weeks. It's a cyclocross race for Trek marketing staff and any other fool that thinks they can do a very difficult course. The race will feature Joe and Mitzi's gravel hill, a barricade to jump over--in the barn--(barn is also a beer stop), a pass through the thicket (up a hill) and a trip to the pit and back. One lap should take about 2 minutes and being that it's halloween, "goblins" will be moving the barricades around. Farm Cross 07....stay tuned for that entry.
I just heard Joshua Bell is in town --one of my favorite violinists. I'm thinking I'll take myself to the symphony tomorrow. I've known Joshua going back to my days in NY; he played at our hall every year . He's from Long Island and I last heard him play in Milwaukee when Mom and I went. It'll be good to see him again and get some culture to boot.
Well, time for my once-every-three-or two-years doc visit. It's the "check under the hood" visit. Blech.
Lookin' good, Becx! I wonder what's up with all the sand guys? With a real arena, you can ride on the muckiest ickiest of days with great confidance. I'm envious.
Kudos to you for going in for the check-up. I seriously can't remember the last time I did that but I was thinking about doing it just this very morning during my run up a very steep hill. The internal monologue went like this: *pant pant* "dang this hill is steep, I hope that isn't a skunk Grover is chasing, dang this hill is steep, good! - it's just a rabid possum, dang it's hard to get enough air going up this hill, I wonder if the 'ole ticker will just give out one of these days, good dog, Grover! If I keel over on the road here, how long will it take Mike to find me? dang isn't this hill done yet?" and so on...
I am vicariously living the farm life with such delight - increasing with every photo shot. You have acquired and are developing SUCH a spiritual place and I always blow them up so I can savor the most minute nuance of texture and detail. Now, Becca, is that a house I spy overlooking your mac-arena? And whose house would that be? And are they ever planning to sell? Can they wait until the promised real estate recovery down here? (Great news today from the local Realtor's organization - their economist speaker claims there is pent-up demand for houses in this area and we will see the inventory back to normal by next fall. Oh yeah!) Meanwhile, does that pretty brick house in your back yard possibly have a guest house under the trees there? Hmmmmmmm.
Hope your doctor recommends you have a cousin live next door to keep an eye on your health. (Like you need it)
I'd love to overlook an arena with someone else's horses clip-clopping around. Especially yours.
And you need to leave a note when you go out jogging, miss Sara. Those same hills only get steeper as the years go by.
The hills down here suddenly got so steep that I found my old diet book some weeks ago and lost about twenty pounds - at least until I went on a rare but well-deserved wine and Cheezit binge last night. (When you think I could have had a steak and baked potato for the same calories!) But I'm back on track and my street is suddenly flat as a tortilla. You-all should come down here and run.
When the snow starts flying up there and the arena fence disappears under the drifts, I have plenty of room where the sun always shines for two lady cousins. You two just come on down!
Woooeee...come on, Sara! Pack up, let's go visit Lady B in Dunedin!! She's so right on it being flat. I've run there everytime I go and it's delightful.
And good job on the weight loss Ms. Barbara! Do you notice a difference on your hip/knee?? I'm proud of you!!
And Sara, what you need is a little cross training. I think I know where my Cannondale bike is going to retire to...! I can give you a training plan for incorporating a bike into your fitness plan. You'll be ripping fit in no time. Next year you can do the cross race--you'll love it and I bet you'd be good at it!!
And the C-dale is an awesome machine; weighs about 17 pounds with Dura ace 10 on it. I get shit every time I ride it to Trek but they finally gave me a Madone to ride. I just need to get it built up and when I do, the Cannondale is coming your way. Just have to promise to take care of it.
And Barbara, that's Joe and Mitzi's house on the hill! It's on family land but Joe would probably sell you 10 acres....come on up and build a house here--you can live right next to the arena, with ancient hickory trees for neighbors. it'd be just wonderful!
Plus, you have Anderson genes which means you'll be good on a bike.
hee hee...somehow that Anderson gene comment got stuck at the end of the entry; that was meant for Sara.
And Lady B would be great on a bike. Bring that three wheeler up here, I'll race you down the the road!
actually, I'm not so bad off, fitness wise, so I shouldn't complain. I think some hills will never be easy but, um, yeah, bikes are good. I still don't feel worthy of the last bike you gave me - specialized Rock Hopper, remember? I love that bike. One day this summer, Ben and I were off for a cruise around the neighborhood when we met up with the teenaged neighbor kid on his Wal Mart special. Ben pulled the classic, "race you to the driveway!!!" and bolted a distance of about 200m. I gave Ben 100m head start and the neighbor about 50m and then proceeded to blow both their doors off at about 30m to the driveway. That is one powerful machine! I love ca-chunking into that overdrive gear on the flat and scaring myself at how fast I go. Note to self: buy bike helmet.
Perhaps Barbara needs the Canondale for her move au Chez Bella Vita? Note to Barbara: read the ingredients on those cheezits. I always find that helpful when tempatation strikes in the junk food aisle.
btw, what is dura ace 10?
Oh Sara - the Cheezits were for a guy who worked for me and they were his favorites and the greatest "carrot" to keep him motivated. After I fired him (It must have been too many junk food molecules replacing brain cells that made him incompetent) I had some left in a clear plastic container. It has been well over a year and I was sick of seeing them every time I opened the cabinet door. But I couldn't bring myself to throw food out either. (If that's what you call Cheezits) Honestly, I dont even LIKE Cheezits they taste like salty cardboard with mare's sweat flavoring. It was entirely the wine that clouded my judgment... Or I certainly would have snacked on fresh fruit and salad as usual. Anyway my canister is FINALLY empty! And you're sweet to offer, Sara, but I already HAVE the most outrageous fire engine red recumbent trike you ever did see! I even have a basket on back for antique stores and diet picnics. You NEED to come down here. I have DUDLEY blood! And so do both of YOU! We will ROCK!
Sara!! You are a sprinter! Just like me! Too funny. And you ARE worthy of the cannondale. You are fit which and it's such a nice change o pace from running. Next thing you know, you'll be meeting me at the cyclocross races! Yee haw.
We have to go to Florida. I went on that road trip with Neen three years ago to see Aunt Lucile and we laughed the entire way. You and I would have so much fun with Lady B! You need a bacation!
And it's good the cheeseits are gone. With the exception of sweet potatoes, orange food is NOT natural!
I. NEED. A. BA-KAY-SHUNNNNN! Take me to eff. ell. aye. ( as Lou Reed would say). Run me up and down those 1.2 grade "hills," show me the canals fuull o' gators, then send me on home. I need not cheezums but a change of scenery and a full dose of full on sisterhood and a break from my husband who (bless his miserly, mean-spirited and too-smart soul) has been spending way too much time trying to rehabiiitate our effed up kitchen on a miser's budget. Perhaps it's the Stitzer spritzers talkin' here, but I think a road trip is in the offin.'
Let's talk this one on through to the end. Where is our over-achieving sister on this trip plan, anyway? JFL, where are you??????????
BTW. I'm drunk. I can't spend time talking about it now, though. Ebay becons.
Oh yes...you need time away from Mr. Mooney; tis a good thing. Absence makes the heart grow stronger doncha know.
You should of called me last night! I was shopping on Dover. Got me some new britches and some bridle hanging thingies and other stuff the wine made me buy.
Wish you were here, Sara and Lady B. IT's SUCH a happy place here, no kitchen remodels, no yappy dogs, just me and the 2/4 legged fertilizer makers. Speaking of which, I need to go move some of that fertilizer. Toodles!
I am SERIOUS! And I, unlike the two of you, am stone cold sober! There is no kitchen makeover going on here. I have no annoying husband whose wishes I must obey. The yappy dog's owner got a second, and this time none-too-friendly, letter from this well-practiced writer, offering to send her a copy of the local dog annoyance laws, reminding her there are no bad dogs, only bad owners, and suggesting she take her yappy dog out on a leash as I do - even in my own fenced yard so she will NOT bark. And telling her this was my final warning before it became a legal matter. Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh - finally silence reigns. Dont know which part got through to her, but everyone is thanking me. (And I feared they might perceive me as some old fuss-budget) So, while the conditions are perfect - and they will be from about now until spring - the latch-string is OUT! Y'all come on dawon!
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