Farm News
It's a whopping 46 degrees. Every morning when the sun comes up I get to see the light hitting my pole shed (aka garage). I really like looking at the shadow of the tree on the side of the building. I'm not sure why, but I like it.
It's a been another silly week but thank goodness for the Agri-View. That's the farm paper that comes out on Thursday. In this week's edition I learned:
"Rectal Live-Animal Scrapie Test Approved by USDA"
Sara, did you get that?? Now you can test your sheep for scrapie w/o using third eyelid biopsy.
On top of the new Scrapie tests, the retail demand for cattle is steady. Good to know.
Oh, and I mowed the lawn.
I'll leave you a photo of Mr. Oscar with Amy aboard. He's going great.
Toodles for now.