Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Big Dork

I mean me, not the horse. In my over taxed state of mind of late, I managed to leave the gate unlatched Friday night. The big guy and his little red sidekick helped themselves to a whole lot of grain sometime during the night/morning.

I discovered my error Saturday morning when I opened the barn door and there was the feed bin on its side, empty. The good news is there wasn't a lot of grain in the bin but the bad news it was enough to get the vet out. Good news: no colic. We're now watching for signs of laminitis. Beep seems fine, but Oz is a little shifty on his feet. Probably his feet aren't feeling too good after that meal he had.

On top of that, when I was in the barn cleaning, assessing whether or not to call the vet I shook out a bag of fresh bedding and that spooked Spooky McOscar. He ran for the door, turned a hard right and whammo. Crashed just like me going down the basement stairs that same morning. I think that was his first crash of the year, my 7th or 8th. I have to start my OSHA sign over again: today it will read: .5 days w/o a crash.

"This is not going to be our day" I thought. So after the vet came and went and the horses were tubed and lubed, I did some garden chores and checked on the two of them every half hour.

Today will be more of the same. It's at least nice out which helps.

Hope the sun is out wherever you are.


Unknown said...

Happy cinco de Mayo Bekka. I hope your week goes better than the weekend, and that your strawberry plants don't gobble up to much fertilizer!
love, Pa

Mooneybat said...

How is everybody feeling this morning? OK? I sure hope all is well! Let me know what is going on there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dad and Hi Seestor,
Strawberry plants: Good. Oscar: Good. Beep: Not so good.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dad and Hi Seestor,
Strawberry plants: Good. Oscar: Good. Beep: Not so good.