Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tulip Time

You might not see the tulips in this photo taken about two weeks ago...but they are popping up-signaling and end to the endless winter. Here's the scene today...happy tulips blooming like mad along the driveway.

I planted the tulips last fall. If I remember right, I planted them on a Sunday night in November knowing that it was going to freeze soon. Freeze it did...four days later and we had snow for the next 5 months.

These are well-earned tulips. (earned through suffering through the past winter).

More soon.


ScootsOnMoots said...

Do horses like tulips? If so, I'm sure those colors won't be lasting long at your place. Be sure to lock that gate, will ya.

Anonymous said...

I'm gate challenged, what can I say. I let the chickens out last week but we won't talk about that now will we??

ScootsOnMoots said...

We won't talk about it? Sure we will, but we need a little more detail. You've been sketchy on foul postings so I wondered if you turned them into some roasters instead. Just kidding...just kidding. I think it's because you lost your favorite one so not much to talk about.

Anonymous said...

ha! No, I meant that I've been challenged to close gates lately....that incident with the horse feed turned into a $400 vet bill. leaving gates open is a sore subject!

Unknown said...

Hi Becky,
I love tulips and yours look really great. What a wonderful thing to look forward to every spring, plant tons more this fall and your place will be a traffic stopper. Have you ever seen black tulips, they are to die for. I will get you some later this summer.

Unknown said...

your place would be a traffic stopper if you ever had any traffic on your road :o)


Brian Anderson said...

What, are you creating brochures for the bed-&-breakfast you're going to open there? It all looks lurvely, really fantastic. Ahh, yes.
Do you remember "Nancy" comics when we were kids? Nancy was always getting "spring fever," which in her case made her look dopey and apathetic. I always wondered what that was about, but now I have it. Hoo, yah, I have it. There must be some kinda narcotic in the pollen. I think I'm gonna walk out to get a cookie and cuppa java. Enjoying your blog, BTW

Brian Anderson said...

What, are you creating brochures for the bed-&-breakfast you're going to open there? It all looks lurvely, really fantastic. Ahh, yes.
Do you remember "Nancy" comics when we were kids? Nancy was always getting "spring fever," which in her case made her look dopey and apathetic. I always wondered what that was about, but now I have it. Hoo, yah, I have it. There must be some kinda narcotic in the pollen. I think I'm gonna walk out to get a cookie and cuppa java. Enjoying your blog, BTW

Anonymous said...

Hi family,
Dad, quit teasing Doris. And Doris, I do have traffic on the road!! This morning a star wars looking tractor thing went cruising by. Not sure what it was going to do but it was a dead ringer for the Milennium nuthatch.
Brian, you will recall that I HATED that cartoon, Nancy. I used to kick myself every time I read it to remind myself not to read it. Good idea on the coffee and cookie. I might just go do that myself!