Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My slow internet

So it turns out that my house guest for the summer was downloading a lot of music and videos, which caused my internet provide to put an "Abuse Alert" on my account. I've been quarantined!!

I will try to put another post with photos on line tonight, maybe at 9pm because at 8 in the morning it's slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

rats. What's a farm blooger to do? Oops. I mean blogger.


Mooneybat said...

Slow blooging getting you down? Our satellite has been down for a week. Bummah! How goes it with the kitchen?

Anonymous said...

hi Sara! Yessss, bloogering has been tough lately. Kitchen is looking great and if I could upload any gosh darn pics I could prove it! The quarantine is up in a week or two and I shold be able to upload pics....

Mooneybat said...

Did you hear about my car getting smashed? Uninsured hillbillies - go figure! Do you know anyone with a gas sipper they want to sell - cheap?

Anonymous said...

What??? When did your car get smashed?? That's a bummer and I'm sorry to hear it. And I thought you HAD to have insurance in Wisco to own a car?? Did your insurance kick in? I'd offer you the truck but it's not a gas "sipper." It's somewhere between a guzzler and a wallet drainer....

Mooneybat said...

HA! the Grampa truck aka "the drain" too funny. To answer your question, no. Not even a 17 year old kid has to have insurance. His parents are total losers and they are completely ignoring my attempts to settle this outside of court - like I'm just going to soak up the loss.

Anonymous said...

Ahh...raising the next generation of village idiots I see. Well, that's one approach to child rearing that will keep the law folks busy!! I say SUE THE RAT BASTARDS!

ahem. Je m'escuse.. that was not very ladylike but maybe getting hit with the clue by four would help them people!

Mooneybat said...

clue by four! HA! you fonny. Sueing the rat bastards is my next step. I need this like a hole in the head.

I rode in an extra wide saddle this weekend. Jimmy liked it but my hips feel like I've been the rope in a tug of war. Orgh.

Brian Anderson said...

Back to the idea of a farmblog. I think that word is just one syllable too long. Let's contract it to "flog."
At least it won't confuse any backward spellcheckers.

Let's call a flog a flog, okay?

Anonymous said...

Hey..there's a bunch of flogs in my basement! I don't know how they got in there but I sure wish the dogs or cats would eat them.

Speaking of dogs, I was bringing in the eggs from the coop and I set the container down to get horse food and Coopy ate a raw egg.

Good job on the new saddle, Sara! How are your hips today??

Anonymous said...

finally got this steenking internet site to open. Speaking of Sloooooooooow. Wish you all could see the pics of our progress. Delicious - if I do say so myself - And it was not I who downloaded all Bec's precious bandwidth and got her so severely punished! Garsh (how's that for a newly acquired Midwest accent) I don't even know how! Seems like I've been here all my life - and I don't even want to think of leaving. What a PLACE! (I know, Bec, enough is enough) But moving right along, custom sink frame and counters are next - we've put off the paper plate and plastic fork stage as long as we could. Now, back to work....keep watching for pictures.

Anonymous said...

hee hee...don't even worry about you all being there. I'm having Trek world anxiety..comes with the job. Some days good, other days bad.
Today is bad. but I don't care!!!