My Left (purple) Foot and other Events
Here's a shot of what is just one happening in an eventful week. That's the arena with the first dump truck of sand dropped on it and Coopy digging holes in the sand. It took 5 more truckloads to get it to 2" and an hour with the skid loader to spread it around. All made more difficult because my left foot was out of commission. And why is that, rebecca?
It's Gabby's fault. She conned me into letting her go outside at 11:30 pm (I thought it was about 8:30). I was half asleep going down the stairs and missed the last step, rolled over on my foot and landed ass over teakettle---is that not a great old cliche?--and knew I'd sprained a few things. Now the only reason Gabby has to go out in the middle of the night is to chase some animal walking through the yard. Turns out Gabby had run down a fox. Poor Mr. Fox but he was probably sniffing at the chickens anyway.
So the next day my foot was not looking or working well. In case you ever wondered what role your toes play in human engineering they improve walking balance, A LOT. They look kind of useless but trust me, they are important.
Round up this week: wine rack and upper cabinets built, arena sand in, new wiring in house ($$owch$$), and living room mauve/maroon bad Fung Shui job going away.
Here's a photo of the painting in progress.First is the photo of the gross mauve going away, replaced with a saddle brown. Yum. Note the essential bottle of wine near the ladder. That helps keep your lines straight.
Time to get some chores done. More kitchen transformation pics soon!
And when you figure all the painting was done just like the early owners of the property, by candle light after all the farm chores were done, and, in our case, with the ubiquitous liquid motivator significantly consumed... well it still looks great in the early morning light. Bec you do cut a mean edge!
Yaaa for liquid courage! It's looking smashing in the living room.
a pox on mauve paint!
And a TRIPLE pox on people who'd paint strong, dark values on the side walls of a long narrow room and the lighter dusty hues (that didn't relate in the forst place) on the ends. It felt like being squeezed in a maroon and mauve vice. SQUISH! ICK BLICK!
Sure, this is a deep color; but, as you have seen, the room now FEELS larger - one, the walls are not as intense or saturated so they visually stay farther away, and two, all four walls are the same. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.
And just as we intended, the rich, deep well-oiled leather of your bridles look delicious hanging on it. Yummmmmmmmmmmmm!
I'm moving in!
Cant wait for the plaid rug.
Oh that looks good. It looks really,really good! The brown is nice with both red wine and leather. Luscious indeed. How does the purple foot compliment the saddle brown? Perhaps a clubby leather ottoman for elevating said purple foot is in order?
I wanna arena too! Can you ride with the foot? Which one is it -left or right? Pull those stirrups off if you need to. It's good for your seat to ride without them from time to time. You even have the "Tara" staircase equivalent of a mounting block a good soft landing spot to keep you going. sweet!
Hi Sara! You'd lOVE the's amazing. So is Barbara. Hey world, she's the best designer ever!! It looks soooo cool and she painted it by herself while I was snoozing on the couch.
Yes, tis time to ride w/o stirrups. I think I ahve a stress fracture in my left foot so while it can take a little bit of activity, I pay for it when I'm done. That said, that hour long bike ride yesterday was worth it. I was getting cranky w/o exercise!
I'll say!
Thank Goodness you finally got some of that so-important exercise!
All you did all day was shovel two sets of horse poopies and pee-pees and ALL their bedding, drive two loads of manure to the pit (or was it three?) mow ten acres of lawn, chase and clean up after "JR the terrorist" sweep floors, do laundry, bake cookies, separate recyclables, entertain your fabulous designer, shop, blah blah blah..
And all you needed to be nice after all that was EXERCISE?
Glad you like the brown!
Yeah, It DOES look good with wine and leather and hunt prints and visiting sisters and brothers and such. That was the point exactly.
Come see, y'all!
I'll make sure she exercises first.
Nope - that wasn't becx - that was me hitting the wrong button again. I'm better with power tools.
And I'm GOOD with a paint edger...the lines that weren't straight were the old mauve lines! Harumph!! :)
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