Snow on the Outhouse
You think this was a black and white photo, but it's not! It's a color photo, taken Thanksgiving morning after a couple centimeters of snowfall. Thanksgiving was a lot of fun and here's the highlights: call from Joe. "Hey becca...your horses are up on the hill."
6:02am, run to barn, grab halters, look for open gate (didn't see one) run up hill.
6:07am, catch Oscar,lead him down the hill with ponies following
6:10, Oscar locked in barn, start after other two who stopped following. Start tracking hoofprints in snow, which lead to alfalfa field behind house. Joe drives over in the truck to help with the round up but I it's going to be awhile as the ponies are well into the alfalfa. I found out where they got out; the gate I use to take the manure out of the pasture. It was the only gate that didn't have a snap lock so I'm betting it was Beep who played with the chain and got it unlatched.
It took Joe and I a half hour to figure out how to catch the horses. It was futile trying to walk up to them because the baby was herding Red thisaway and thataway. She's even smarter than her mama! I wound up getting Oscar and leading the two ponies back in. They followed right into the barn. Once they were captured I looked at Joe and said "Happy Thanksgiving!"
Then I got to cooking and getting ready for family. This was my second turkey I've ever cooked. I couldn't find my stupid turkey baster. I had to baste with a cup which is not nearly as good as a baster.
Jeannine and family and Brian and fam got to the farm in the afternoon and we went for a short hike. Dinner was at 5 and featured all the usual thanksgivingy things. Brian made some excellent challah bread and Neener made pie. And, just like being at Grandma Jane's, there was Redi-whip in a can. After dinner we had a vicious game of Monopoly, with Jay monopolizing the bank. Here's a photo of Jay studying his next move, and Sam bowing out (he was the first to go).Note the cluster of hotels near Jay's elbow.
When Jay and Jesse were fighting over rent on the Boardwalk the can of Redi-whip came out. Those of us already out of the game made whipped cream mustaches and eyebrows.
That would be Jeannine giving Sam a shot.
And Emily and Jesse got in a few good blasts until the can ran out.
Here's to kicking off the holiday madness. May we all stay sane and healthy...
til soon,