Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ole Blue Eyes

Here's a photo of my dirty horse, Oscar. He has blue eyes. Please disregard the dirt. I was taking photos of Oz and he obliged by having a good roll and this was the only photo that showed how blue his eyes are. Looks like he went a little heavy on the eye liner, eh?

I'm having withdrawal of daylight issues. It's downright depressing not being able to ride after work.

I'm going to have to do a "Work from home" day just so I can ride during the week. Or build an indoor arena. there's an idear!

I wonder what those cost.. hummm.


Mooneybat said...

Isn't this just the WORST??? I'm going through the same thing. With a three year old, riding on weekends only is just plain unproductive as well as unfulfilling. There are two thing I can think of to combat this problem is getting up an hour early and riding before work just as the sun is coming up and when it is the absolute coldest hour of the day. But then your horse is hungry and crabby and you are likely to be late for work. I used to do this routine always fearing getting carried away or doing too much on a day when the temps hovered near freezing because I didn't want my wooly horse to get sweaty. The other thing you could try is to get a bit of light on your arena. It only takes a couple 150w Halogen floods on poles on either end of the arena to give you enough light to ride and it's much, much cheaper and environmentally friendlier than an indoor. The thing I'm likely to wind up doing this winter is to take time to go walkies with my horse every other week or so and give him a kiss on the nose the other 29 days of the month and start up again in April.

Mooneybat said...

Jeez, I reread my comment and it is nearly incomprehensible! It's too early to try to communicate. Note to self: proof comments before posting

Lady Barbara said...

Well, Sara, I thought your comment was extremely comprehensible! Especially the kiss on the nose part. See, Becca? I TOLD you flood lights on poles would buy you evening riding time. You can even pretend it's moonlight. Of course, you could move to Florida and have PLENTY of warm daylight hours. But, you would have to put up with a bunch of other distasteful things - like annual hurricanes (we got lucky this year) and other yukky stuff. And - Your horse needs a bath! How do you do THAT when it's freezing? Today is perfect! after 6 months shut in with air conditioners droning, it's a mild 70 degrees, sunny and dry. I'm about to wash the car. Cheer up, will ya - only 6 months to spring!

Mooneybat said...

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa SIX Months!
WaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA!!! What makes me a bit nervous is Beck riding in the dark at night with noone to notice her broken body if she should have a bad accident. If lights are installed by the ring, there should be a system in place where someone checks in if they are not turned off by a reasonable hour - a safety precaution for our intrepid winter rider! Beques, do you have a safety plan?

Anonymous said...

Wow, good ideas and I'm glad you two think alike. Barbara did talk about lights on poles just yesterday in fact. I could put Joe on that detail. Safety plan? I think the safety plan is this: there is a perfect view of the arena from Joe's kitchen table. I'll have him set out his binoculars and make sure when Oscar leaves the arena I'm on him. Or something like that. It is a good idea to have a plan--I'll work on that. Oscar got a manicure this morning. I don't even get a manicure!!!

Mooneybat said...

I've been doing my own horses' trimmings, you know. I'll give you a deluxe trim for your birthday if you like. Will you stand quitely tied and lift your feet nicely to my hoof stand? Funny thing: Jimmy is an oaf about having his feet trimmed and he really takes it out of me because I'm slow with the nippers. After doing his front feet a couple weeks ago, I was completely nackered and hung up my rasp for the night thinking I'd get his back feet the next day. Right! So last weekend, I'm working the poor guy and he's stumbling and tripping all over the place. It was then that I realized that he'd gone two weeks with long back feet and short fronts. Bad horse owner me!

Anonymous said...

Gah! Love it...good job on trimming his feet. It looks to me like it'd be fun. Those nippers are cool! And yes, I'll stand really still if you do my nails. I like them squared off though..not round. The ladies at Hilldale Mall nail salon do it very well. Whenever I'm feeling the need to pamper myself I get a manicure (um, about 2x year)and the lady always says the same thing " ah...long time..much cuticle."

I sure wish you were closer!

Lady Barbara said...

I was at the Medicine Shop this morning. In a predominantly blue-haired neighborhood there are LOTS of interesting geriatric goodies to peruse while waiting for ones scrip to be filled. And there, right by the register, was the answer to the night-rider's prayers. You must remember the TV ad: "I've fallen and I cant get up"! Now there's an attractive one-button necklace that automatically dials 9-11 at the touch of a finger! So, when you're suddenly staring wide-eyed at the underside of a horse's belly ...well, just be sure to push it the moment you begin your trajectory.

becx said...

That's so funny that you mentioned the "i've fallen and can't get up" lady. I have to send you a spoof on Microsoft's Vista program 'cause that lady is in it!
A one touch 911 button? Oh gheezz...I'd probably set it off 133 times by accident. I think I'll go with the Joe system. He's 100% reliable which is more than I can say for any of the men I dated or married. (that would be two, for those of you counting).